Upland Bible Church Upland Bible Church
A non-denominational, autonomous local church

We've received reports that some of you may be having trouble viewing the Prayer List Updates.  This may be related to security settings in your e-mail system, which are controlled by your e-mail provider.  You may be seeing something to the effect of the following near the top of the message:

External images in this email use an insecure connection. Those images were automatically adjusted to enforce a secure connection (https). Some images might not be shown.

Open original email in new browser tab.

If so, click on "Open original email in new browser tab" and you should be able to view the message.

If you are not seeing something resembling this, you can click on the "View online" button at the lower right section of the message and you should be able to view the message.  

Please let us know if either of these options don't work.

Upland Bible Church
920 Upland Boulevard Las Vegas, NV 89107
(c) Upland Bible Church, 2022