Upland Bible Church Upland Bible Church
A non-denominational, autonomous local church

UBC Prayer Updates for January 11, 2024

Get Well


Pat Sponheim  She is having a total knee replacement next Tuesday.  (Sherry’s daughter’s mother-in-law)


Cliff Abbott  After meeting with his cardiovascular doctor (incidentally the same doctor who will be doing Pastor’s surgery on Tuesday), he was told they need to replace one of his heart valves and repair his aneurysm.  Pray the Lord leads Cliff and the medical team into choosing the right type of replacement valve, the right time for the surgery, and for total recovery from this open heart procedure. 

Don Lepczyk  Testing results show the pancreatic cancer has spread to Don's liver and is stage 4. We will be consulting with the oncologist next Wednesday, the 17th. We both thank all of you for your prayers as we clear this next hurdle.

Pastor Olsen  Pastor is having his third aneurysm surgery January 16.  Pray for the doctors’ skill in this operation.   

Carol Ann Davis  The Transplant Center has put me on the (kidney) active Transplant List.  Julie has been tested to be a live donor.  The Donor Team said she was a match and is ready to schedule the surgery.  Feb 2nd or 4th was first available.  I was shocked it happened so quickly! Please pray for Julie to have a full recovery.  A kidney is a very big gift.  I must have a cardiac scan 1/16 before surgery is approved. (Carol Ann is Pastor’s cousin and Julie is her daughter)
Randy Frick  Randy had his PET scan today and will meet with a surgeon later on this month to discuss the test results. 

Michael Besson  Please continue to pray that he will find a doctor and appropriate treatment for his A-Fib. (Frances’ son-in-law)

Jerry Cahoon Sr.  He stated to me he may have already passed the stone but has not had any new appointments with the Dr’s yet.  I also learned that when he fell last week and said he was fine, he was told to go to hospital to get his head x-rayed.  He did and did have a small brain bleed.   He spent most of the day and evening in the hospital but was eventually released to go home.    He was told they only released him because the bleed had seemed to stop.  He will have follow up with both Kidney stone issue and Head issues next week.

Natalia Hervis  Natalia has her annual SLC trip and appointments on Thursday and Friday.     Her liver health and overall health has been going well for a while now.   

Debi Shattuck  Debi saw her oncologist and her cancer markers are higher but not enough to alarm him. So she will see him again in 6 months. Her husband’s job was eliminated Dec 26. They are trusting God for their future.  I am guessing she is still doing the infusions. (Daria)


Robert Blair  Robert's back and mobility are doing great.  Many thanks for the prayers.

Donna Beeson  Donna’s MRI showed the mass on her left breast was not cancerous. Praise be to God’s glory and magnificent grace. It was a true blessing to see Donna, resting in God’s peace throughout the MRI delays and all the waiting time. Thanks to all you Prayer Warriors, whom our God hears and answers your prayers.  Thank you!   (Frances’daughter)

Spiritual and Other Needs

Sunna Miller  My sis said she had a good interview today and should find out Friday if she will get one of the positions open at her old hospital but in admitting. (Daria)


Travis Wayne Hamilton  Transportation issues resolved. (Cahoons)

Upland Bible Church
920 Upland Boulevard Las Vegas, NV 89107
(c) Upland Bible Church, 2022