Upland Bible Church Upland Bible Church
A non-denominational, autonomous local church

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UBC Prayer Updates for January 4, 2024

Get Well


Jerry Cahoon Sr.         My father is 83 and had his first kidney stone.  He was given a stint to help relieve pressure.   He was told they can blast the stone (apparently it is a large one) or surgically remove it.     For my dad he wants whatever will hurt less.     He also relayed to me he fell for the first time getting out of his chair.   He has never fallen before.   Fortunately, he said he did not break anything but is just sore.  My dad is a believer.  (Jerry Cahoon)

DJ Graymountain        DJ is our 6-year-old Navajo nephew. He has been dealing with Chronic ENT issues for some time.   He had been doing better but has returned to getting sick more often.  He is also scheduled to have tubes placed in his ears again. (Cahoons)


Linda Russett              Pray for decrease of back pain and increase of good sleep time.

Robert Blair                Back pain is lessening; mobility is much improved.


Vanessa Schubert      The left breast mass is a painful, swollen, calcified mammary gland. For right now, the Dr. will be monitoring if there are changes in the mass size before proceeding with any treatment. Thank you for your prayers!

Spiritual and Other Needs

Glenn                          Still not certain of his salvation.  (Linda Russett)

Travis Wayne Hamilton          He is dealing with vehicle issues and his transportation is key to his job.    He is a believer. (Cahoons)


Child Haven                Renetta confirmed us for Saturday, January 20th from 10:00 am - Noon to have Bible Time with the elementary age children.  Corinna and Irene will be teaching the Lost Sheep/Psalm 23 --  how when we believe in Jesus, He becomes our Shepherd.  The children will be making lamb sock puppets and thanks to Su-z we have completed cross necklaces for them. (Jamie)

Upland Bible Church
920 Upland Boulevard Las Vegas, NV 89107
(c) Upland Bible Church, 2022