Upland Bible Church Upland Bible Church
A non-denominational, autonomous local church

Please send prayer requests and updates to:



UBC Prayer Updates for October 12, 2023

Get Well


Pat Howser     Diagnosed with stage 4 melanoma. Options are: with treatment 50% survival up to 5 years; without possibly 6 months.  Infusions once a month would run 40K per infusion.  (Good friend of Sharon and Michelle Dillard)

Greg Mordin   I have prostrate surgery scheduled for Monday Oct 30. Hopefully only in the hospital 1-2 days.  Many thanks.

Margaret Ruth Mary  She has pneumonia in both lungs, plus she fell from her bike and fractured her left patella. In addition, she is on prednisone to speed up the anti-biotic for the pneumonia which has given her insomnia.  She is a nun in the Sisters of Life order in NY who work with pregnant women, etc. We became pen pals when I wrote to the order after seeing photos of them sledding in Central Park. (Greg Mordin)


Don Lepczyk   Don is back at UMC, being treated for a liver infection.  Pray for the antibiotics to do their job and for Don to be able to put some weight back on. 

Jim Tierney     His foot doctor wants to remove a bit of bone on the side of his foot where a wound is.  It has a bump on it that keeps the wound from healing and the bone is starting to show signs of infection.  My dad doesn't want to do this, but wants to wait a week to see if it improves.  The entire family is advising him to listen to his doctor and have the small bit of bone removed.  Pray that my dad understands how serious this is.  (Jamie)

Van Chapman Dealing with bed sores and bladder issues.  Slowly improving overall. (Susie H.)


Bill Z.   Answered prayer.  Bill finally got in and had three stents put in the arteries in his heart.  He is doing well;   however, please continue to pray for his salvation.  Thank you. (Jamie) 

Spiritual and Other Needs

Sunna Miller   She has not found a job yet, but she is trusting God’s timing and plan.  With her MS as a challenge, she thanks you for your continued prayers. (Daria's sister)

Carol Lefkowitz          God has answered prayers for Catherine Pai’s mom.  She moved into a new assisted living home Monday night. Please pray for her settling in and that she can have the mental strength to think about God and His promises. She is a believer.


Child Haven - Saturday, Nov. 4th from 10:00 am - Noon, Bible Time class for the 3 - 6-year-olds.

Upland Bible Church
920 Upland Boulevard Las Vegas, NV 89107
(c) Upland Bible Church, 2022