Upland Bible Church Upland Bible Church
A non-denominational, autonomous local church


You will be receiving a separate email with the complete prayer list (2 pages).  The names which are in red are the people we have not received updates on; all other names have been updated and will remain on the list.  Please look at the RED NAMES and let us know ASAP if you would like any of them to stay on the list.  Thanks, UBC Prayer Team


Please send prayer requests and updates to:


UBC Prayer Updates for July 20, 2023

Get Well


Mereya's husband Del in Tampa FL has cancer and is undergoing chemo. Ty. (Marty R.)

Jim Pund recently had his kidneys rechecked. He will have to have his left kidney completely removed on the 31st of the month. His doctors said the functionality is too low to stay in and it could damage the right one if it is not removed. (Friend of Ken Sessions)


Michael Lepczyk (Don's brother) The results of PET Scan show 3 spots in his lung, 1 in a chest area lymph node, and 1 in left hip. Waiting for a lung biopsy appointment at SDMI. This will determine whether his previous kidney cancer has come back. Please pray he can get in to SDMI as soon as possible and for an accurate diagnosis. (Don and Sue)

Answered Prayer

My nephew, Paysen McKeehan, got a job and can be removed from the prayer list. (Sherry Bingham)

Al and Sherry - COVID free

Marlene Soltero's memorial service in Spokane went beautifully.  Her husband Ray spoke and thanked Marlene for bringing him back to God.  (Randy and Dody)


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Upland Bible Church
920 Upland Boulevard Las Vegas, NV 89107
(c) Upland Bible Church, 2022