Upland Bible Church Upland Bible Church
A non-denominational, autonomous local church

Reminder:  We are in the process of updating our entire prayer list.  Please update us on the people whom you have put on the list – if we do not receive an update by July 4, we will thank God for answered prayer and their names will be removed.  We will put out a comprehensive prayer list with all current updates at that time.  Thanks!!  (info@uplandbiblechurch.org)


UBC Prayer Updates for June 29, 2023

Get Well


Michael Dillard He has been diagnosed with Diverticulitis.  Doctors stated he needed to be admitted for additional testing and transported him to Southern Hills Hospital.  As of this email we are still waiting to hear from the Doctors. (Sharon's son and Michelle's brother) 



Kay Kirschner fell earlier this week and broke her hip. She had surgery to repair the break, but her doctors say her cancer may slow her recovery. She will be transferred to a rehabilitation facility in the next few days.  Please pray for a positive outcome. (Ken S.)


Petrea  Knowles          Her tumor markers are lowering. Still above normal but way below where it was a few months ago.  Prayers being answered.  Going in the right direction. (Sharon Dillard’s niece)


Jen Forden       Her kidneys are not doing well;  she has too much ammonia in her body.  She is in a hospital.  New chemo was too hard on her. Her birthday (26th) card has the grace gospel in it. (Tim's niece)

Zenia Paoli      After backing her back, twice, she was diagnosed with severe  osteoporosis. She will be required to wear a brace for the rest of her life. She also has been diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease. Her hands began shaking several years ago and over the course of the last several months, she started losing strength in her hands and arms and is no longer able to write. She started treatment but is unable to handle the side affects of the medication. Please pray they will find something that will work for her. Zenia is a believer and appreciates your prayers! (Grecia friend)

Melissa Murray has been on our prayer list several years for mesothelioma cancer. She has endured a 36 hour surgery, years of continuous chemo and many stays in the hospital. God has been so gracious to allow her young children to have their mom throughout the years. She is terminal and is only able to get around in a wheelchair now, and weighs close to nothing. She is a believer and despite it all, has a great mental attitude! (Grecia)

Donald Thompson       As you recall, he has a huge tumor on the sternum that continues to grow. He has had chemo but it was only meant to slow the progression. He is terminal. He has little to do with the family so that is the only update I have. I would like to keep him in prayer because I am unsure if he is a believer. (Grecia nephew)

Jim Tierney        The wound care doctor checked the skin grafts on his feet and said they are doing well.  My dad goes back to this doctor next Thursday to see how the wounds are healing. 


Joey Reilly       Joey can be taken off the get well list. His doctors have given him a clean bill of health and have just now started him on physical therapy.  He can walk on crutches and put a little weight on the left foot at this time and he is also able to flex his knee allthough it is limited (physical therapy should allow for improvements). Joey has enrolled in some Community College courses as well so off one list and on to another.



Pray for Child Haven as they continue to recruit and transition a new assistant activity director.  Here is the note I received from Renetta at Child Haven:

    “I miss Naomi too.  We have not replaced Naomi as of yet so we don't have anyone who works on Saturdays at this time.  Maybe try back in September and we can see about setting up some workshops.  We are smack dab in the middle of summer activities and back to school planning.”


College Students


Joey Reilly

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Upland Bible Church
920 Upland Boulevard Las Vegas, NV 89107
(c) Upland Bible Church, 2022