Upland Bible Church Upland Bible Church
A non-denominational, autonomous local church

Please send prayer requests and updates to:


UBC Prayer Updates for June 22, 2023

Reminder:  We are in the process of updating our entire prayer list.  Please update us on the people whom you have put on the list – if we do not receive an update by July 4, we will thank God for answered prayer and their names will be removed.  Use info@uplandbiblechurch.org for updates.  Thanks!!

Get Well


Paul Olsen  (brother of my niece Robyn Rice)  He had his left leg and half of his remaining foot amputated due to medical complications.    He has become addicted to pain meds and is now having a bleeding issue and is in bad shape.   He is a believer. (Irene)

Joan Rice She fell this weekend and while she did not have any injuries other than bruising, they now say she has stage 3 kidney disease.   She is very feeble and weak with very little appetite.   She also seems to be getting depressed as her health is rapidly declining. (Irene's mom)


Jim Tierney went to the wound doctor yesterday.   He put lab made skin grafts on the wounds...both feet. (Jamie's dad)

Sherry Baum Has been in and out of the hospital recently with recurring sepsis and pneumonia.  Pray doctors can find and treat the source of infection. 

Frances Cox Pain from recent back surgery is still an issue.  In addition, she will be having a scan for lung cancer on August 28.  

Piper Grayden's liver numbers have stabilized.  


Spiritual and Other Needs


Matt and Robyn Rice Irene's nephew and his wife are Joan Rice's caretakers.   


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Upland Bible Church
920 Upland Boulevard Las Vegas, NV 89107
(c) Upland Bible Church, 2022