Upland Bible Church Upland Bible Church
A non-denominational, autonomous local church


Time for the semi-annual UBC Prayer List update.  Please see the attached prayer list (2 pages) and provide us with updates on those people you have put on the list, including military and LE/First Responders.  Click on the "Click here to access June 15, 2023 Prayer List" box to open the List, which is in the form of an Excel workbook.  It consists of two pages, each with a tab at the bottom of the page.  Click on the tabs to move from Front Page to Back Page.  If we do not hear from you, we will thank God for answered prayer and their names will be removed.  Please send your updated info by July 4, 2023 to  info@uplandbiblechurch.org.  

Please send prayer requests and updates to:


UBC Prayer Updates for June 15, 2023

Get Well


Michael Lepczyk A PET scan has been scheduled for June 23rd regarding the spot on his lung and on his lymph gland. (Don's brother)

Rob Taylor One of Rob's post-brain-surgery issues is a "lazy eye." He will be seeing an eye doctor to figure out how to restore his eye function.  (Ryan Abbott)

Jim Willits He's in so much pain, his back surgeon is going to give him injections. If it works, then great;  if not, then he'll have surgery. (Sherry B.)


Carey Willits His A-Fib is out of control, and he needs a cardioversion procedure to get his heart back into rhythm.  They canceled the procedure yesterday due to his blood numbers, as he's on blood thinners.  All of this needs to be taken care of before they'll proceed with the oral surgery.  (Sherry B)


Bart Leach His Parkinson's disease is advancing.  He's in a care facility and depressed as he does not get to see his wife as often as he would like. (Friend of Sherry B.'s brother)


Sunna Miller My sister's back is still good. Her shower remodel is in line with the construction company.  The same construction company can build her a ramp for entrance into her home.  (Daria)

Spiritual and Other Needs


Lexi Fitzpatrick (a believer and good friend of Emily Cahoon) is without a roommate and now has the responsibility of making the rent payments for the house and all related expenses. Pray that God will provide the right new roommate so she does not have to terminate her lease.   


Thanks for the prayers for Jodi McNeely. She is moving through the grieving process over the loss of her brother. (Sherry B)


Law Enforcement 


Kristine Buist has a new job with a police department in Vancouver, WA.  She is moving with 10 horses and several dogs at the end of this month.  Please pray for safe travels during her move.  (Daria's niece)

Click here to access June 15, 2023 Prayer List
Upland Bible Church
920 Upland Boulevard Las Vegas, NV 89107
(c) Upland Bible Church, 2022