Upland Bible Church Upland Bible Church
A non-denominational, autonomous local church

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UBC Prayer Updates for May 25, 2023

Get Well


Jim Willits (82) is in extreme back pain limiting his mobility. Had an MRI and it was finally read by a surgeon. There is a "hodge podge" of issues that need to be addressed. Unfortunately he can't get in to see the surgeon until July 6. Until then please pray for pain management. (Sherry B's older brother)


Carey Willits is having the remainder of his teeth extracted and total implants put in (under anesthesia) this Friday. He has many chronic health issues and has been dealing with A-fib (been on blood thinners) so has to be hospitalized. Please pray that his heart/blood behaves during the surgery. He is a believer and knows God has him covered! (Sherry B's twin brother)

Natalia Hervis Natalia's tacro was doubled.  It immediately brought the numbers back down to the acceptable range.  She will have blood work again in 2 weeks to look at the numbers again.  If they are still in order, they may try to reduce her meds back to the normal amount.     They want her on the best dosage that carries the least amount of side issues.

Jim Tierney The wounds on Jim's feet are healing up.  The results from the mini GI camera tests showed no problems, so they believe his low blood count was due to taking the blood thinner.  He is off that now.  So both are answered prayer.  I would like to leave him on the list until the wounds on his feet are gone. (Jamie's dad)

Michael Lepczyk has an appt with an oncologist for tests regarding the spot on his lung. (Don's brother)

Spiritual and Other Needs

Charlotte Wilson Personal and financial needs.  (Olsen friend)

Law Enforcement

Brian Hervis will be changing substations in his second phase of Field training next week.  He will still be working swing shift however he will be off Sunday , Monday and Tuesday.  This schedule will last for 8 weeks.


VBS:  As of Wed. 5/24, we have 8 children, plus 11 Upland children signed up. 


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Upland Bible Church
920 Upland Boulevard Las Vegas, NV 89107
(c) Upland Bible Church, 2022