Upland Bible Church Upland Bible Church
A non-denominational, autonomous local church

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UBC Prayer Updates for May 18, 2023

Law Enforcement

Brian  Hervis is about to finish his first phase  (3 total phases)  of Field Training;  he is doing well.  Our prayer is that God will provide him with a schedule conducive to bible class.   Right now he is working swing shift Tuesday to Friday.   His schedule will change in 3 more weeks; It can stay the same or it could get better.


Kaylee Johnson is getting a new assignment and moving from Meade this summer.  She is a believer, and a hard worker in the Air Force.  Please pray for God's geographical will for her. (Daria)

Get Well


Sunna Miller has MS and so balance and strength problems.  Please pray she can retain mobility and stability.  She is also looking for a new church in Aurora, Colorado. She has an appointment with a contractor today for the redo of her bathroom so she can get a shower.  (Daria sis)

Natalia Hervis has elevated (7x  above normal) liver enzymes.    This can be a sign of rejection or she has another virus.   She will be tested for EBV (virus she has had many times) .    Great news that her tacro level and blood sugar levels were normal.   Those were the ones that got out of whack last time that put her in the hospital.

Jen Forden has metastasized cancer and started a new chemo 4/21. She has heard and read the gospel.  Please pray salvation prayers. (Tim and Daria)

Mark Vandernagel has a doctor in Las Vegas he likes. So, he doesn't care about UCLA calling or not.  He has Inclusive Body Myocistitis. It is a very rare form. He is on medication that is giving him some positive feedback. He still comes to the gym nearly every day.  He has the gospel booklet. He is very positive. (Daria)

John and Jeannie Fedorek John is having hernia surgery at Cleveland VA hospital, May 24th. Also Jeannie is scheduled for upcoming surgery at Cleveland Clinic for ongoing colon problems, July 11th


Rick Castillo said his shoulder is all good now;  he is ready to go golfing.

Travis Makar is dealing with his health issues much better.

Spiritual and Other Needs


Lauren Makar 


VBS presenting "The Lord is My Shepherd" June 5-9.  Pray for parents/kids to see the sign/ads and register to attend. 

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Upland Bible Church
920 Upland Boulevard Las Vegas, NV 89107
(c) Upland Bible Church, 2022