Upland Bible Church Upland Bible Church
A non-denominational, autonomous local church

Please send your prayer requests and updates to info@uplandbiblechurch.org

UBC Prayer Updates for February 2, 2023 

Get Well


Jim Tierney Jim fell this past weekend and broke his left femur – surgery was Wednesday and they put a pin in the top of his leg, reattaching the ball at the top of his femur.  Today he is feeling well and eating.  The nurses will try to get him to stand, step and sit in a chair for a while. He has a big dose of physical therapy ahead of him, but so far prayers have been answered in a great way.  (Jamie's dad)

Joey Reilly Joey was in a motorcycle accident Saturday night. Banged up his legs, especially around the knee areas. He is having trouble walking due to the pain.  Also, he decided not to re-enlist and received his honorable discharge paperwork about two weeks ago so he can be taken off the military list. (Gary and Sol's grandson)

Martha Clayton Martha has just been diagnosed with late-stage colon cancer.  Surgery is this Friday. She is 77 years old and the cousin of Bill Sanders.  (He and his wife Debra are friends of Debbie O.) 


Ken Sessions Ken went to the doctor to get the results of his biopsy and test was negative for cancer. The doctors will continue his hormone therapy and continue monitoring his condition.  The Power of Prayer has truly been a blessing. Thanks prayer warriors. Please leave him on the prayer list as he continues under the doctor's care. 

John Hadfield John is scheduled for surgery on February 10.  Doctors have chosen a less invasive procedure which should be less stressful on his body and aid in his recovery.   Great answered prayer so far!  (Susie H's brother)

Sunna Miller My sister is back to work and weaning off steroids. She has an appointment with a spine specialist on the 9th. Please pray he will be accurate with what she should or shouldn't do.  She has a MS advocate helping her for some ramps at home and shower, etc. Please pray my sis will do her end of the work to make things happen. (Daria)

Mark Vandernagel He saw a neurologist here in Vegas. He told him the biopsy says he has the muscle disease, but the special blood test says he does not have it. So he is being referred to UCLA.  He is very positive.  He said he read the Gospel booklet.  I don't know if he believed.  Thank you for continuing prayers for his salvation and diagnosis. (Daria's friend at gym in Sun City))

Janell Cassell She just sent me a card before the surgery thanking me for the gospel booklet and the prayers. She just sent a text a couple of mornings ago saying she was home and the surgery went well. She wanted to tell me her surgical nurses prayed in the name of Jesus Christ for her too.  She is very appreciative of the prayers. Please pray she recovers from surgery on her spine and can get cancer free. (Daria's client)

Spiritual and Other Needs

Linda Russett Linda requests prayer regarding finances and her job with the Red Cross.   Continued prayer for back challenges as well.   

Military Deletion

Joey Reilly


Child Haven this Saturday, February 4, from 10-noon.  Elementary children will be presented with Gospel and Bible truths. 

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Upland Bible Church
920 Upland Boulevard Las Vegas, NV 89107
(c) Upland Bible Church, 2022