Upland Bible Church Upland Bible Church
A non-denominational, autonomous local church

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UBC Prayer Updates for January 26, 2023


Chris Harrison Chris is now face to face with our Lord. (Cahoons)

Jeannie Erskine Jeannie is now face to face with our Lord. (Sherry B.)

Get Well


Bill Murphy He has an inoperable tumor on his neck.  He is starting radiation and chemotherapy this week. (Bingham's neighbor)

Van Chapman He has had a major stroke and is currently in rehab. His wife has requested he be put on our prayer list.  (Friends of Susie Hadfield from Houston)

John Hadfield Tests indicate he needs to have bypass surgery.  Ollie, his wife, is also having heart problems.  Pray for God's timing and treatment for both. (Susie H's brother and sister-in-law)


Herman Mattox Pastor Herman has suffered another stroke and brain bleed which affects the expressive part of his brain, resulting in aphasia.  Recovery/therapy is long and difficult.  Pray for him and his church.  

Sunna Miller She went back to work Monday through Thursday. She is tired, but I think doing well. Thank you for all those prayers. Please pray that she can talk to the MS advocate in Denver soon. (Daria)


Tiffany Drake and Twin baby girls are healthy and home!  Great-grandma Frances Cox says to thank you all for praying for the safe delivery and health of mama and babies.  All answered!  

Spiritual and Other Needs

Corey and Amy Halley and family  Amy's father passed away unexpectedly last Friday and she is hitting brick walls in trying to settle his estate, pay his bills, etc.  She's an only child so is having to do it all.  Unfortunately, her dad thought he'd done all the right things, but she can't find the paperwork to support it. Now, the family has COVID.  (Sherry B's son and family)

Evangelism Team

Continue to pray for the team's upcoming visit to Child Haven on Saturday, Feb. 4.  They will be presenting the Gospel and Bible truths to elementary children.  


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Upland Bible Church
920 Upland Boulevard Las Vegas, NV 89107
(c) Upland Bible Church, 2022