Upland Bible Church Upland Bible Church
A non-denominational, autonomous local church

UBC Prayer Updates for January 5, 2023

Get Well


Chris Harrison He is in ICU with double Pneumonia and Sepsis.    He is intubated as of now.   (Irene's adult nephew who is a believer.) 

Zenia Paoli Last year, she broke her lower back from a fall. She spent months in a body brace in bed. On Christmas Day, she broke her upper back simply putting a ham in the oven. She is back in a brace and in a lot of pain. (Grecia)


Todd Long Great news! Todd is out of the coma and off the ventilator. Kidney damage is healing nicely, pneumonia improving and glucose level is almost normal. Sepsis remains the main threat and was caused by a dental abscess which they are treating with heavy antibiotics.   More Great news! The neurologist performed an EEG and said the results indicated that Todd has not had any seizures or impaired functionality because of this event. The MRI also showed no visible brain damage. He is receiving physical therapy to improve his stability. Future prayer focus: Todd's dentist has undergone eye surgery for macular degeneration. So, Todd urgently needs a new dentist/oral surgeon to treat the source of the infection, ASAP.

Grecia Nieznanski I have had more tests and will go over them during my upcoming appointment. We will discuss additional testing for the cardiologist and neurologist.


Angel Bingham She has finished her chemo and is cancer free! 

She had her hysterectomy and the biopsy was benign!

Baby Clare Sponheim She had her followup appointment last Friday and her lungs are clear!

Spiritual and Other Needs

Jim Wheeler Jim lost one of his roommates on Christmas Day. Pray for comfort and opportunities to share Bible truth.  

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Upland Bible Church
920 Upland Boulevard Las Vegas, NV 89107
(c) Upland Bible Church, 2022