Upland Bible Church Upland Bible Church
A non-denominational, autonomous local church



Get Well


Charlie Abbott, Sr. Recuperating from pneumonia and viral infection.  In a rehab facility since he is unable to walk unassisted.  (Cliff)

Tim O'Brien Had a minor heart attack last week.  Doctors put in two stents and are keeping him overnight due to A-fib issues.  (Olsen neighbor)

Bill Purcell

Jeff Purcell

Steve Stallworth


John Kiser He fell last Thursday against a chest. Ambulance picked him up, took him to the hospital but they released him with a fractured vertebra, and he couldn't get out of bed. Doctor got him into rehab. Please pray he gets great care and the right therapy and can recuperate well enough to be able to return home.  (Brenda)

Natalia Hervis Continuing multiple issues resulting in swollen belly, diarrhea, and weight loss.  She will be having an ultrasound and blood work as well as x-rays of the abdomen.    The results of the C DIFF virus (possible cause of diarrhea) have not come back.  She has also lost 2 lbs since August; Shelby said Dr said that was a big deal.   Hopefully we can get some answers soon.

Pat Olds She still has not been able to get a plan of treatment for the return of her breast cancer that has spread to her spine and hips. However, she has an appointment for November 30th with the Mayo Clinic in Arizona for a second opinion and evaluation. We are so grateful for all your prayers that she was able to get this appointment. Please continue to lift her up in your prayers for the highest and best possible outcome according to God's plan for her. (Niece of Frances Cox). 


Karen Apfel Karen was released from Sunrise Hospital and felt so good she overdid it. When she went in for her post op checkup, she was told to slow down. She thanks everyone for praying for the success of the procedure. (Su-z)

Barbara Graf Successful knee replacement surgery rehab starts Monday. (Marty R.)

Ryan Roskens The doctor said the fat score in my liver went from 2.80 to 2.40 in the last year which didn't sound that great to me, but he said I am a poster child for recovery on this and if I keep my weight off and keep doing what I'm doing, it shouldn't be anything to worry about anymore.  So of course, the credit goes to Jesus Christ.  Thank you for the prayers, Upland prayer warriors. After all these years it feels like you are my family.  

Pam Winkleman Recovered from finger surgery.  (Charlie Flood)


Spiritual and Other Needs 

Bill Purcell

Jeff Purcell

Steve Stallworth


Child Haven scheduled for Nov. 19 for elementary school kids...and any other interested ages! 


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Upland Bible Church
920 Upland Boulevard Las Vegas, NV 89107
(c) Upland Bible Church, 2022